Saturday, March 22, 2008

Best Table At Scaramouche

When I Grow Up!

At 5 years ask you what will you be when you grow up? and one would answer, teacher, mother, wife, dancer, doctor, fireman, autronáuta, billionaire, police or thief as my brother (for what they all were police officers) or the occupation of our parents for being the center of our admiration.

If, at our young age we are very clear about what we want to be .... But then, one grows and it gets hard, and your dream of being a mom, wife, teacher or a dancer does not depend on you only, it turns out there have a dad, husband or talent to be, and then decide to make a more realistic life plan ... " When I grow up I'm getting married" "when I'm 25, I have 3 children and I live in a big house " or just say " after I graduate I'm going home!" ....
But the plan may fail if the 25 end up with your bf / gf, still do not have the ideal job and still living in your home to your bed for 15 years and is That's when you say what I do with my life? what went wrong with my plan? where to begin to reconstruct the plan? I have no bf / gf, I have a good job, I have no children, live with my parents and also am the unic @ Solter @ my friend @ s , there a lot of social pressure.
1 .- For singles When you have novi @ ,

2 .- For the couple When you get married? ,

3 .- For the newlyweds When you have children ,

4 .- and first timers When parents have the second? .


The best plan is to live every day thinking that you (in a sense a bit selfish) save money for your future and not wait for anybody, because nobody is waiting for you. Think what you can have and not cling to what is not up to you, so focus to seek better jobs and achieve economic stability can be a good start, then the children will love and if it comes to love (for women) if you have children (with inseminancón). If you have not already are great and you're living your future ...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Same Birthday Couples Compatibility

Envy is not a noble sentiment

Envy, defined in the Dictionary as:
"1. Tristeza angry or dislike for the good of others or by affection or esteem that others enjoy.
2. I honest to emulate some quality or another has some good: I have envy of your ability. " *

There is no way to disguise it with words "ugly" it is this feeling, and no way to justify it, but truth is that everyone at some point in our lives we have been envious of someone who has "something." I think it's part of human nature, and perhaps created by the same desire of wanting more and more. However, in my view, if we use this "envy" to search through hard work, dedication and commitment that both "envy", it is possible to turn this feeling into something positive. But what if instead we were just envious "that thing"? Therefore, the nearest consecuecia will become a bitter and unhappy person.

And is that such people-who call "envious" - then do nothing but see what others have, to criticize and wish the worst, looking to have less than themselves, because not support the idea of \u200b\u200bsomeone having more, and do not talk about money alone, I talk about intelligence, love, happiness ... because there are so many things that can be envied ... and then I ask myself: Why walk instead of envying others do not something for themselves and try to live their own lives, trying to reach "an honest-its shortcomings?? is that is it very difficult? (well of course everything always requires some sacrifice and effort.)

people "jealous" are people who deserve my pity, since they are creatures that never alcazar moderately happiness and never will conform with their lives (and have it all), and can not be otherwise, because as dedicated only to see what others have, they miss the joy of living their own lives and do many things to BETTER and last but not least, in some cases, not only conforms to see, but also looking for the other to be as unhappy as them, which by a simple rule of life are return by 3 and will be in a worse situation that they had when they started to envy.

On the other hand, those who are the object of envy should feel good about themselves, because on the one hand, despite the TRENGTHENING by them down, and even sometimes fall-always Levater and secondly, it sounds an little pedantic, to be envied just means you're doing something good, something others have noticed and others ...

In conclusion

Envious: Live your life and let live!

Envied: Divine Justice ... do not stop there in heeding the envy you, go your way
going very well!

PS: I envy you all .. to have a blogger like me! jajajajajajajaja .... just kidding!

Besos, they want my envy!

* Dictionary of the English language © 2005 Espasa-Calpe SA, Madrid.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Make A Half Hitch For Scarf Valance

Coming Soon!

after receiving a warning for having abandoned my blog ... and no excuses to be honest, I have decided to advance the contents of the coming post.

"Jealousy is not a noble sentiment," in this blog I will be talking about this feeling so destructive ....
"When I Grow Up" is the typical phrase ever since we have about 4 years, but what happens when you are?
"Changing the field", the title does not convince me, but I estadoo asking if I want to be a lawyer all my life??
"Ten kilos less, "the bread and butter of most women .....

For now these are my next themes .... I am currently preparing the" envy. "They want ....