Monday, May 2, 2011

Ring On Man's Pinky Signify?

Katy B - On A Mission. Electronic tasteful without falling into the commercial

Crítica: Katy B - On A Mission. Electrónica de buen gusto sin caer en lo comercial

While in the U.S. was determined to offer more and more commercial music and direct consumption, it seems that UK is building an array of women who present us with proposals more serious, charismatic and much better taste. We have Adele ( spoke of it a couple of months ago ) to your personal Rumer soul, Jessy J with pop songs and R & B and the star of the post: Katy B .

With On A Mission , Katy B covers several genres, ranging always with a personal touch electronics pulling the bases and a little house and break beat hardcore.
In first you might think " I'm in a store Bershka! ", but once you adapt at least the sound of the album and listen to songs like Broken Record , the idea will be running in your head .
Broken Record ( See Youtube )

good thing about On A Mission is that almost all their songs have a rhythm differs enough of the rest. You could say that Lights On is one of the most suitable for direct consumption of the most rapidly becomes catchy, with Ms. Dinamyte as a partner.

Lights On ( See Youtube )

Katy On A Mission is the first single from the singer's debut album where you can already see from the outset that uses electronic more gusto than a commercial and opportunistic , as with the voice that has Kay B may well haber producido las canciones de forma acústica, y creo que quedarían igual de bien como resultado.

Katy On A Mission ( Ver en Youtube )

Prácticamente todas las canciones se hace valer por si mismas, casi ninguna aparece como relleno. Desde la divertida y poligonera Witches Brew , las geniales baladas Go Away y sobre todo Easy Please Me (¡esta me encanta!), la colaboración con Magnetic Man recuperada en este disco, Perfect Stranger . Inlcuso el tema que closes the disc with a Chill Out roll is good.

Crítica: Katy B - On A Mission. Electrónica de buen gusto sin caer en lo comercial

Best : Lights On, Broken Record, Katy On A Mission, Easy Please Me
worst : Movement, Disappear

With only 21 years (funny, the same having Adele) Katy B has managed to teach a lesson to many of how to make electronic music without losing the personality and without notice opportunism against the gusto.

Note: 7.5/10
Crítica: Katy B - On A Mission. Electrónica de buen gusto sin caer en lo comercial

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