The Catalan director Ventura Pons was in La Paz during the 11th European Film Festival in Bolivia, in that opportunity on-line magazine published Travelling Cinema Cinemas, a special print edition, where this interview was originally published.
By: Claudio Sanchez
Your career begins in the theater, how do you get to the movies?
is true that before making films I've directed over 20 theater, but I've always had the film in his head since he was little I wanted to devote myself to the movies. By chance, at age 20 I entered the world of theater. Then came a time that was highly regarded as a theater director and I said, "Well, what are you doing with your life if you want to make movies." That's when I think back to my career as a filmmaker.
What is the relationship between film and theater for you?
Well, theater is about three or four steps ahead of the film, thematic interest. In the theater say there's a deeper meaning in the stories and has a content as more risky, more novel, more profound. The nature of what makes the film industry, especially producers, tend to be more conservative. I think if you extrapolate the movie theater experience would be very helpful for this, because what the film needs good stories. In fact many of the people, both in Europe and America, bringing stories to film novel comes from the theater.
has over 30 years making movies What has changed in your proposal at this time?
has changed that I learned the trade. This of filmmaking is a craft, it is to tell stories with images, is a craft that has to be learned, and you learn a lot in practice. So much for tools ¬ tial: the filmmakers are like artisans, one thing we do is art but also has a part of trade. I think now I have a long job, now I admit. In the first film had the ideas, but the job was hard. As for the content of my films, I have grown up and the joy of living is different, what you want to have changes over time, is not the same to a comedy of young people when you're 35 or 40 years when are you still with the joy of these things, when suddenly start taking an interest in more depth issues, and most of the meaning of life. But I think this is a normal evolution.
Tell us adrift, your latest movie.
Note that keeps Anita train and are adrift as the head and tail of the same mo ¬ currency, because the two ha-white of the same, the need to find the other, the need we all love. Both films speak of friendship as a replacement for the traditional family. Drifting is the story of a woman struggling for emotional fulfillment, and with a backdrop of friends that have nothing to do with traditional friends. Drifting is told in key drama.
In the 11 ° Festival de Cine Euro ¬ pean Amor Idiota also planned.
Interestingly this movie also speaks of the same, but in this case the protagonist is a man who also sees a woman and it hangs. Then, the film is the search for the relationship with this woman in a context of friendship. You realize, over time, the stories change but the content is repeated, the issues are the same: love, friendship and death, which are universal. Anita not lose the train, stupid Love and Drifting are three adjustments to the original texts of a Catalan author, LluĂs-Anton Baulenas, and all three are very different.
What is your relationship with Latin America?
I feel very good showing my films in Latin America, I have many friends and I have really fortunate to have been retrospective in several parts: Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, almost every year I'm Festival in Havana, not always in person, but my films. The people are very close and very responsive in Latin America. I live in the Mediterranean in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI'm Latin but Roman, Latin South America not in the context of the word. However, I do not know exactly what you think of my films, I see that you have a great time but deep down I think: "We others, we are very different societies and issues so brutally different than if I were in South America, as cinema is a reflection of your eyes on your society, my film would be completely different. " Because I look and live my company, and this is reflected in my films. I love watching movies from different countries of Latin America, but my relationship comes through here, which is fine, really.
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