Mary Carmen Molina Ergueta
"We did not know where we come." In 1942, Angel Martinez was deported to the Mauthausen death camp, which together with Gusen I were the only grade III Nazi camps, the toughest, intended for incorrigible political enemies of the Reich. LA was part of the French Communist Youth, which began in 1940 resistance against the occupation. She is one of the survivors of Mauthausen that Pau Vergara documentary Beyond the fence portrays, in a strict historical approach and moving to the horror of war, the fact the weight and guilt of survival.
The documentary brings together the voices of 13 survivors of Mauthausen, mostly English Republicans transferred to the field from Nazi POW camps, exiles, after the Civil War, had been incorporated into the French army in the invasion were captured by German troops. "We were red and our death did not interest anyone," says the survivor Marcelino Bilbao. In fact, when the Germans captured the first Franco Republicans and demanded an explanation on the fate of these prisoners, the Generalissimo said they were not English.
Is it possible to count the horror? How far the experience is intelligible? How far can I say? In both documents, the image is a space where this is the horror of the past, the memory through the evidence that this is the result of what happened. The thirteen stories in the documentary have a common gesture in his character to survive: in the past is something irrevocably lost, missing fundamental sense humanity. "I really have me out the personality, and in this case got a lot of pessimism and disbelief of life that has not let me live there or outside," says Louis are in the film.
If that experience is the establishment of a duel, the survivor's testimony it is rolled into a continuing tension between possibility and the duty to remember not to forget. "I have very few memories of my childhood, perhaps because I had a kind of amnesia," says Siegfried W, the only Jewish survivor of the film, after witnessing the death of his mother in Auschwitz, he was transferred to Mauthausen, where Saturnino Navazo know, a English que se hizo cargo de él hasta después de la liberación. Recordar y decir no sólo significan el paso necesario para conservar el pasado en tanto pasado, sino que implican en el documental la posibilidad de restitución de lo humano: la paradoja de poder decir por los más de 7000 republicanos españoles que no sobrevivieron.
Más allá de la alambrada es conciente de la imposibilidad y poco pertinencia de tratar de homogeneizar los testimonios, de eludir la radical diferencia de la experiencia de cada uno de los sobrevivientes: la soledad es, tal vez, el elemento a través del que es posible conjugar un reconocimiento que, más allá de ser histórico, se torna ético.
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