Saturday, April 9, 2011

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Student Projects selected for the 2011 Lab

In conference Press audiotorio in Entel, announced Bolivian and Latin American projects selected for the third version of Bolivia Lab, laboratory and clinical analysis of film projects that will be held in La Paz June.

is a space that brings together Latin American directors and producers in order to enrich knowledge, present ideas, share experiences and develop projects in a common environment, with the assistance of audiovisual professionals of international stature. This year, a total of 20 projects.

For this release, there were over 300 projects from across Latin America. In most cases, the institutions of each country's film made the selection of projects. In the case of Bolivia, there were a total of 18 projects, surpassing the number of applicants for previous editions of Bolivia Lab

Selected projects

1. The beam Bolivian / Director: Marcelo Charras / Argentina
2. Iceland / Director: Ina Mayushin / Peru
3. The first family / Director: Carlos Leiva / Chile
4. Kamaq / Director: David Navarro / Ecuador
5. Sunflowers / Director: Tamara Maite Segura / Producer: Nicole Maynard / Costa Rica
6. Frozen Man / Director: Carolina Country / Uruguay
7. Sultan / Director: Enrique Castro Ríos / Panama
8. Clestrynie, the great day / Director: Ana Bravo / Producer: Angela Revelo / Colombia
9. The wall / Director: Armando Bolaño / Producer: Adriana Diaz / Colombia
10. Volatile / Director: Juan Felipe Rayo / Producer: Adriana Agudelo / Colombia / Project selected by Lagarto Cine, in agreement with Bolivia Lab
11. The world's largest home / Director: Ana Bohorquez / Guatemala
12. Floresta in symphony / Director: Susana Lira / Producer: Joao Joannou / Brazil
13. Monday or Tuesday ever Sunday / Director: Algeria Castilla / Venezuela
14. Those men of the village / Director: Emilio Sanabria / Producer: Alejandra Muñoz / Paraguay
15. The order of the earth / Director: Claudio Araya / Producer: Yara Morales / Bolivia
16. Peach / Director: Jordan Yashira / Producer: Laura Ruggiero / Bolivia
17. Infinity / Director: Juan Pablo Richter / Studio: Catalina Razzini / Bolivia
18. You will not see the dawn / Director: Andres Salinas / Producer: Fernando Candia / Bolivia
19. Of pure air / Director: Carlos Hernandez / Mexico / Project selected through IBERDOC, in agreement with Bolivia Lab

IMCINE of Mexico is still sending the name of the selected project. This will be known within a week, said Viviana Saavedra, director of Bolivia Lab 2011.

The workshop with the participation of these projects will run for seven days, from 6 to 12 June. Then, each participant will make a pitch before a panel of three international personalities from the audiovisual world. The prizes are awarded: $ 15,000 servivios us in post-production of FILMOSONIDO (Chile), $ 1,000 us the best Bolivian project delivered by Entel, and variety of scholarships for training events and co-production in other countries of Iberoamerica.

Film Competition Film Market Building and

Until Monday April 11 is open the call for this competition, launched to promote chain of the film industry through incentives for completion of film projects. The competition will benefit the continent in a state film post-production.

On the other hand, Bolivia 2011 Lab opens first film market, which seek to create a distribution platform. Latin American filmmakers have the opportunity to show their work to international distributors, among them the representatives of the Israeli Figa Films and Michael Trebes, specializing in documentary.

This event to be held in the VIP rooms Mega Center of La Paz, also invite national television networks are interested in purchasing audiovisual products.

Tables dialog

Like last year, the Lab Bolivia will have roundtable discussions of topics that make the Bolivian and Latin American film industry. On this occasion, three spaces will be made available for discussion: a panel on copyright, with the participation of SENAPI of Bolivia and the management company of copyright Lady of Spain, a panel on film, with the presence of renowned filmmakers, and distribution table, with guests from the first film market.

Registration for these tables are received in the email

Samples film

As one of the parallel activities of this year, Bolivia Lab organizes exhibitions of Latin American cinema. Colombia, as the guest of this release, will bring a selection of silent films restored with the support of the government of that country.

addition, there will be a sample of Latin American cinema in the halls of the Mega Center, Cinema Multiplex and August 6.

For more information, visit or .


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