Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quicktime Install For Barbie As Rapunzel

llajua The Americans do not eat, new movie with Crystal Film

director Adam Sarabia all the details of his new movie The Americans do not eat llajua , in theaters from Thursday April 14 in theaters in La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Potosi and Tarija.

SHEET TITLE .- The Americans do not eat llajua.
SUPPORT: Digital
Duration: 80 Min
GENRE: Comedy (All Public)
ALGOMAScine A production with the support of IMOLIVIS, FILM ARTS FOUNDATION CARACOL, ARMOUR sound studio and Claudio Durán.
Writer / Director: Adam Sarabia
Producer: Ariel Morales
Executive Producer: Ivan Molina, Jaime Molina and Javier Sarabia.
Dissemination: Karina Herrera and Veronica Sanchez
Director of Photography: Francisco Escobar
Camera: Jesus Villca
Live Sound: Iván Méndez.
Art Director: Violeta Alarcon
Special Effects: Ivan Bellot
Sound Post Production: Iván Méndez and Boris Mendez.
Music: ARMOUR and lawless.
Editor: Adam Sarabia and Ivan Molina

Gert Franke CASTING: Ernest
Eusebio Monsoon Ever
Quispe Way: Spich
Mariana Caballero, Ignacio Tano
Rosie Simon
Carlos Robles: Chinese
Marcelo Quisbert: Plates
Y Special performance by Jorge Ortiz and Don Huari.
Special Guests: John Molina as Little John, Francisco Escobar as Pancho, Gabi Luz Torrico, Poul Eli Arrascaita Schömann.

S inopsis: a German ERNEST adventurous, a walk in your group gets lost and is captured by a drug gang who mistake him for a CIA agent. Among his jailers QUISPE know who will become your friend. ROSIE infiltrated police force uses the image of the gringo to plan the fall of JOHN LITTLE PANCHO and leaders of two groups of drug traffickers.


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